Basic Information
Injury to the skin, and sometimes other organs, from con- tact with heat, radiation, electricity or chemicals. The risk of damage is greatest with infants and young children.
Frequent Signs and Symptoms
Burns are of 3 types:
1st-degree burns are limited to the upper skin layer. They produce redness, tenderness, pain, swelling and slight fever
2nd-degree burns affect deeper skin layers. Symptoms are more severe and usually include blisters
3rd-degree burns involve all skin layers. Skin is white (appears cooked), and there may be no pain in the initial stages
Rise in skin temperature from heat sources, such as fire, steam or electricity. Open flame and hot liquid are most common causes
Tissue injury caused by chemicals or radiation, including sunlight
Lightning strikes can cause internal burns with minimal external signs
Risk Increases With
Stress, carelessness, smoking in bed or excess alcohol consumption, all of which make accidents more likely
Occupations involving exposure to heat or radiation, such as firefighting, police work or defense-factory work
Faulty wiring
Hot water heaters set too high
Preventive Measures
Wear sun-screen lotions outdoors
Fireproof your home. Install smoke alarms, plan emergency exits and have regular fire drills
Wear protective gear and observe safety precautions around heat or radiation
Don’t touch uncovered electric wires
Teach children safety rules for matches, fires, electrical outlets, cords and stoves
Discard extension cords with a pronged plug on one end and a bulb socket on the other. These are hazardous
If you have small children, put safety caps on unused outlets. Discard frayed cords
Expected Outcomes
Most persons recover if the extent of burns (including 3rd-degree burns) is limited to 50% of the body surface
For less-severe burns, skin usually repairs itself in 1 to 3 weeks
Possible Complications
Infection at the burn site
Shock due to loss of fluids and electrolytes (severe burns)
Permanent scars
Vision impairment, if eyes are injured
Tetanus and other infections
General Measures
Ensure tetanus immunizations are up-to-date, as burns are among the most common causes of infections
Therapy will be dependent on depth of burns and total body surface area affected
For less-severe burns
Apply non-prescription lotion to cool 1st-degree burns
Immerse small 2nd or 3rd-degree burn areas in cold water for 10 minutes to reduce pain and swelling
Keep the burn area clean. Soak in a tub or use lukewarm compresses once a day. You may add 2 tablespoons of powdered detergent to the tub to help soak off crusting areas. Use plain water for compresses
Prop burn area higher than the rest of the body, if possible
You may use dressings on the burn
Hospitalization for all large 3rd-degree burns and some 2nd-degree burns. Special burn centers exist for the worst cases
Surgery to graft skin over 3rd-degree burns
To treat minor burns, you may use non-prescription antibiotic ointments, topical anesthetics and aspirin
To treat severe burns, pain relievers, antibiotics and tetanus booster shots may be required
Depends on location and extent of the burn. Getting a burn patient up and moving as soon as possible after treatment begins is an important part of the recovery
No special diet for minor burns. More severe burns require intravenous feeding
Please call us we will arrange a quick appointment.