Windward Medical Centre provides quick, confidential screening for sexually-transmitted diseases. Our trained staff is professional and compassionate during and after the testing process. Windward Medical's STD screening is quick, affordable, and accurate. Your tests will be sent off to a lab and results are usually retrieved within three business days or less. We offer rapid testing with immediate results for HIV, Chamydia and Gonorrhea. All other STD teat are available at our on-site lab. Your test results are completely confidential. If you wish, they can be left off of both your medical records and insurance records.



Remember that anyone who considers themselves sexually active is at-risk of acquiring sexually transmitted diseases: also called venereal disease (VD) or sexually transmitted infection (STI). People who want to remain sexually active and engage in sexual acts with one or more partners should always use appropriate protection such as condoms and receive frequent STD screenings. These methods are the only way to reduce risk of acquiring a STD or suffering the consequences of late detection.