Basic Information
Infection in the middle ear. This is not contagious from per- son to person, but the preceding respiratory infection caus- ing it may be contagious. Involved is the middle-ear space where nerves and small bones connect to the eardrum on one side and the eustachian tube on the other side. Most common in infants and children age 3 months to 3 years.
Frequent Signs and Symptoms
Feeling of fullness in the ear
Hearing loss
Discharge or leakage from the ear
Diarrhea, vomiting (sometimes)
Pulling at the ear (small children)
Viral or bacterial infection that spreads to the middle ear by way of the eustachian tube. These are usually upper-respiratory virus infections in the nose or throat
Sinus and eustachian-tube blockage caused by nasal allergies or enlarged adenoids
A ruptured eardrum
Risk Increases With
Recent illness, such as a respiratory infection, that has lowered resistance
Crowded or unsanitary living conditions
Genetic factors. Some American Indians, especially the Navajo, seem more susceptible
Cold climate
Change in altitude, such as flying or driving up mountains
Family history of ear infections
Day care
Smoking in household
Preventive Measures
Bottle-feed or breast-feed infants in a sitting position with head up, never lying down
Breast-feeding decreases chances of child having ear infections
No smoking in household
Wash bed linens, towels and heating pads regularly to prevent reinfection
Expected Outcomes
Usually curable with treatment
Possible Complications
May recur
Chronic otitis media (pus comes from perforation in eardrum)
Hearing impairment usually temporary, but sometimes permanent leading to delay of normal language development in children
Enlarged adenoids in children from repeated middle-ear infections, causing chronic middle-ear infections
Mastoiditis (infection of the mastoid [bony area just behind the ear]; rare)
Meningitis (rare)
General Measures
Diagnosis is usually made by examination of the ear. Fluid from the ear may be cultured
Treatment usually involves medication and supportive care to relieve pain
Apply heat to the area around the ears to relieve pain
Swimming should be avoided until infection clears
Surgery to insert plastic tubes through the eardrum to drain pus or fluid from the middle ear (rare); or surgery to remove the adenoids
If the eardrum is bulging, a small cut, or myringotomy, may be made in it to relieve pressure and pain
Use ear drops to relieve pain. You may use non-prescription drops or those prescribed for a previous infection. They will not cure the infection
Use non-prescription drugs, such as acetaminophen, to reduce pain and fever
Antibiotics may be prescribed, if the infection appears to be bacterial rather than viral. Finish the medication. The infection may remain active for several days after symptoms disappear
Rest in bed or reduce activity until fever and pain subside
No special diet
Please call us and we will arrange a quick appointment.